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Contemporary theories of religion
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- Сведения о содержании:
There is life in the old dog yet: an introduction to contemporary theories of religion / Michael Stausberg --Religion as superhuman agency: on E. Thomas Lawson and Robert N. McCauley (1990), Rethinking religion / Steven Engler & Mark Gardiner --nthropomorphism and animism: on Stewart E. Guthrie (1993), Faces in the clouds / Benson Saler --From need to violence: on Walter Burkert (1996), Creation of the sacred / Gustavo Benavides --Religion as ritual: Roy Rappaport's changing views from pigs for the ancestors to ritual and religion in the making of humanity / Robert A. Segal --Religious economies and rational choice: on Rodney Stark and Roger Finke (2000), Acts of faith / Gregory D. Alles --Religion as communication: on Niklas Luhmann (2000), the Religion of society / Peter Beyer --Exotic experience and ordinary life: on Andrew Newberg, Eugene D'Aquili and Vince Rause, Why God won't go away / Matthew Eay --Religion as the unintended product of brain functions in the "standard cognitive science of religion model": on Pascal Boyer (2001), Religion explained and Ilkka Pyysi'ainen (2003), How religion works / Jeppe Sinding Jensen --Religion as evolutionary cascade: on Scott Atran (2002), In gods we trust / Joseph Bulbulia --Religion as superorganism: on David Sloan Wilson (2002), Darwin's cathedral / Joseph Bulbulia & Marcus Frean --Roots in the brain, the origin and explanation of religion: on Ddvid Lewis-Williams (2005), Inside the neolithic mind / Donald Wiebe --Boundary maintenance: religions as organic-cultural flows on Thomas Tweed (2006), Crossing and dwelling / Aaron W. Hughes --Theory of religion as myth: on Loyal Rue (2005), Religion is not about God / Hubert Seiwert --New atheistic approaches in the cognitive science of religion: on Daniel Dennett (2006), Breaking the spell, and Richard Dawkins (2006): the God delusion / Armin W. Geertz --Interventionist practices and the promises of religion: on Martin Riesebrodt (2007), Cultus und heilsversprechen / Michael Stausberg.
- Аннотация:
Interest in theories of religion has never been greater. Scholars debate single theoretical approaches in different scholarly journals, while the ‘new atheists’ such as Richard Dawkins and Daniel Dennett criticize the whole idea of religion. For everyone eager to understand the current state of the field, Contemporary Theories of Religion surveys the neglected landscape in its totality. Michael Stausberg brings together leading scholars of the field to review and discuss seventeen contemporary theories of religion. As well as scholars of religion, it features anthropologists, archaeologists, classicists, evolutionary biologists, philosophers and sociologists. Each chapter provides students with background information on the theoretician, a presentation of the theory’s basic principles, an analysis of basic assumptions, and a review of previous critiques. Concluding with a section entitled 'Back and Forth', Stausberg compares the different theories and points to further avenues of discussion for the future.
- Язык текста:
Библиографический источник
Contemporary theories of religion
a critical companion / ed. M. Stausberg