Библиографический источник

China's new art

post-1989 / org. curators Chang Tsong-zung, Li Xianting


China's new art

Место издания:

Hong Kong


Hanhart T Z Gallery

Дата издания:

cvii, 232 p.



Сведения о содержании:

Introduction: Into the Nineties / Chang Tsong-zung – 1989 and China's New Art Post-1989 / Oscar Ho Hing-Kay – Major Trends in the Development of Contemporary Chinese Art / Li Xianting – Brush-Strokes and the Party Line: Tensions between Artists and Officialdom in China / Michael Sullivan – The Orthodox and the Avant-Garde: An Historical Examination / Shih Shou-chien – Modern Chinese Art -- The Early Phase (1911-1949) / Lang Shaojun – Building in a Gorge / Liu Xiaochun – Towards the World: China's New Art, 1989–1993 / Nicholas Jose – Choice and Opportunity: The Fate of Western Contemporary Art in China / Yi Ying – Exploit, Export, Expropriate: Artful Marketing from China, 1989-93 / Geremie Barme – Unrepentent Prodigal Sons: the Temper of Contemporary Chinese Art / Liao Wen – The Problems of Chinese Artists Working Overseas / Fe Dawei – Locating Creative Space / Francesca Dal Lago – What You See Is Not What You Get: Chinese Painting after June 4 / Jeffrey Hantover.Interpretations / Eric Wear – Appendix: Illustrated Notes to Major Trends in the Development of Contemporary Chinese Art / Li Xianting – Appendix: Illustrated Introduction to Performance Art in China, Post-1989 – Appendix: The 1985 New Wave Art Movement / Gao Minglu

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