Библиографический источник

Causality and explanation

W. C. Salmon


Causality and explanation

Место издания:

New York


Oxford University Press

Дата издания:

XIV, 434 Seiten



Сведения о содержании:

Introduction Introductory Essays 1: A New Look at Causality 2: Determinism and Indeterminism in Modern Science 3: Comets, Pollen, and Dreams: Some Reflections on Scientific Explanation 4: Scientific Explanation: Causation and Unification 5: The Importance of Scientific UnderstandingScientific Explanation 6: A Third Dogma of Empiricism 7: Causal and Theoretical Explanation 8: Why Ask "Why?"? An Inquiry Concerning Scientific Explanation 9: Deductivism Visited and Revisited 10: Explanatory Asymmetry 11: Van Frassen On ExplanationCausality 12: An "At-At" Theory of Causal Influence 13: Causal Propensities: Statistical Causality vs Aleatory Causality 14: Probabilistic Causality 15: Intuitions: Good and Not-So-Good 16: Causality without Counterfactuals 17: Indeterminacy, Indeterminism, and Quantum MechanicsConcise Overviews 18: Causality: Production and Propagation 19: Scientific Explanation: How We Got From There to Here 20: Scientific Explanation: Three Basic ConceptionsApplications to Other Disciplines 21: Alternative Models of Scientific Explanation 22: Causality in Archaeological Explanation 23: Explanation in Archaeology: An Update 24: Formation of Why-Questions 25: Quasars, Causality and Geometry26: Dreams of a Famous Physicist: An Apology for Philosophy of ScienceReferences Index

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