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Bullying May Be Fueled by the Desperate Need to Belong

Marion K. Underwood, Samuel E. Ehrenreich


Bullying May Be Fueled by the Desperate Need to Belong


Human beings have a fundamental need to belong, for ongoing positive interactions with others who provide companionship and caring (Baumeister & Leary, 1995). Children may hit, exclude, or harass others electronically because when their own needs for belongingness are threatened, or when they want to enhance their own status, they lash out and hurt others in the way they think will be most painful, by engaging in behaviors that undermine the target's sense of belongingness. For reasons discussed herein, children and adolescents might be especially vulnerable to desperate needs for belongingness. Viewing bullying as motivated by the need to belong has profound implications for prevention and intervention programs to reduce bullying.

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Сведения об источнике:

Theory Into Practice. – 2014. – Vol. 53, № 4. Theories of Bullying and Cyberbullying. – P. 265–270.

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