Библиографический источник

A theater of envy: William Shakespeare

R. Girard


A theater of envy: William Shakespeare

Место издания:

New York


Oxford University Press

Дата издания:

IX, 366 p.





Сведения о содержании:

Love delights in praises : Valentine and Proteus in The two gentlemen of Verona --Envy of so rich a thing : Collatine and Tarquin in The rape of Lucrece --The course of true love : the four lovers in A midsummer night's dream --O teach me how you look : Helena and Hermia in A midsummer night's dream --All their minds transfigured : genesis of myth in A midsummer night's dream --More than fancy's images : the craftsmen in A midsummer night's dream --Something of great constancy : Theseus and Hippolyta in A midsummer night's dream --Love by another's eye : mimetic punning in A midsummer night's dream --Love by hearsay : mimetic strategies in Much ado about nothing --Do you love him because I do! : the pastoral genre in As you like it --'Tis not her glass, but you that flatter her : self-love in As you like it --O, what a deal of scorn looks beautiful : self-love in Twelfth night --'Tis not so sweet now as it was before : Orsino and Olivia in Twelfth night --A woeful Cressid' 'mongst the merry Greeks : the love affair in Troilus and Cressida. Lechery and war : the subversion of the medieval Troilus and Cressida --These men's looks : power games in Troilus and Cressida --O Pandarus! : Troilus and Cressida and the universal go-between --Pale and bloodless emulation : the crisis of degree in Troilus and Cressida --To you your father should be as a god : the crisis of degree in A midsummer night's dream --Confounding contraries : the crisis of degree in Timon of Athens and other plays --O conspiracy! : mimetic seduction in Julius Caesar --Domestic fury and fierce civil strife : violent polarization in Julius Caesar --Great Rome shall suck reviving blood : the founding murder in Julius Caesar --Let's be sacrificers but not butchers, Caius : sacrifice in Julius Caesar --Let's carve him as a dish fit for the gods : sacrificial cycles in Julius Caesar --A universal wolf and a universal prey : the founding murder in Troilus and Cressida. Sweet Puck! : sacrificial resolution in A midsummer night's dream --To entrap the wisest : sacrificial ambivalence in The merchant of Venice and Richard III --Do you believe your own theory? : "French triangles" in the Shakespeare of James Joyce --Hamlet's dull revenge : vengeance in Hamlet --Shall we desire to raze the sanctuary? : desire and death in Othello and other plays --Thou dost love her because thou know'st I love her : rhetorical figures in the Sonnets --An instrument to vice you to 't : The winter's tale (act 1, scene 2) --Thou co-active art! : jealousy in The winter's tale --Neither malice nor matter : original sin in The winter's tale --To your shadow will I make true love : The winter's tale (act 5, scenes 1 and 2) --Does not the stone rebuke me for being more stone than it? : The winter's tale (act 5, scene 3) --They'll take suggestion as a cat laps milk : self-satire in The tempest.

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