Библиографический источник

A first look at communication theory

E. A. Griffin


A first look at communication theory

Место издания:

New York



Дата издания:

412 p.



Сведения о содержании:

Talk about theory --Information theory of Claude Shannon & Warren Weaver --Mediational theory of meaning of Charles Osgood --Coordinated management of meaning of W. Barnett Pearce & Vernon Cronen --General semantics of Alfred Korzybski --Proxemic theory of Edward Hall --Symbolic interactionism of George Herbert Mead --A different voice of Carol Gilligan --FIRO theory of William Schutz --Hierachy of needs of Abraham Maslow --Action assembly theory of John Greene --Constructivism of Jesse Delia --Attribution theory of Fritz Heider --Interactional view of Paul Watzlawick --Social penetration theory of Irwin Altman & Dalmas Taylor --Existential theory Carl Rogers --Social judgment theory of Muzafer Sherif --Cognitive dissonance theory of Leon Festlinger --Elaboration likelihood model of Richart Petty & John Cacioppo Interact system model of decision emergence of B. Aubrey Fisher --Groupthink of Irving Janis --Social exchange theory of John Thibaut & Harold Kelley --Information systems approach to organizations of Karl Weick --Cultural approach to organizations of Clifford Geertz --The art of rhetoric of Aristotle - Dramatism of Kenneth Burke --Technological determinism of Marshall McLuhan --Cultivation theory of George Gerbner --Critical theory of Stuart Hall --Social learning theory of Albert Bandura --Agenda-setting function of Maxwell McCombs & Donald Shaw --Spiral of silence of Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann --Communication ethics --Order out of chaos.

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